
How to uninstall eclipse neon
How to uninstall eclipse neon

how to uninstall eclipse neon

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle.sonarlint-core,4.Įven I tried with older versions, but still found the same errors. Answer (1 of 5): Hi :) You do not need to uninstall eclipse as it was never installed on your PC.

how to uninstall eclipse neon

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle.sonarlint-client-api,4. No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,4.09192007 No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,2e,4.09192007

how to uninstall eclipse neon

however you installed it just do the reverse. apt-get remove if you apt-get installed it, if it was installed by a script view the script to see what it did and do the reverse, if installed from tarball & compiled with. Either way it's just the reverse of whatever procedure you used ie. No repository found containing: ,4.09192007 I've never used eclipse, so have no idea how it's installed, or more important how you installed it. Session context was:(profile=, phase=.p2., operand=, action=). When i look for Sonar Lint in Eclipse Marketplace, the option available is SonarLint4.2 and on installation, I get the following errors: An error occurred while collecting items to be installed I have Neon Eclipse IDE version 4.6.3 and JDK 1.8.212 and I am trying to install Sonar Lint.

How to uninstall eclipse neon